More authors and program items are presented for Bokdagar i Dalsland 2024!
More and more authors and program items are presented for our big literature summer festival Bokdagar i Dalsland 24-27 july 2024: Lena Andersson, Sami Said, Henrik Berggren, Lars Lerin, Ingvild H. Rishøi, Maria Zihammou, Philip Teir, Bitte Westerlund, Lasse Berg and Peter Kadhammar. Two day tickets for the festival program friday and saturday are available through Tickster, Åmålsand Bengtsfors book stores. Also presented as guests at the festival's big opening event at Baldersnäs herrgård 24 juliy are: Göran Greider and Jan Gradvall. To the opening event you need no ticket.
Upcoming events
Författarkväll med Alskog Bredberg och Samuelsson
Vårmarknadsöppet i Nordiska Litteraturhuset 12 april
Konstvandringsöppet i Nordiska Litteraturhuset 31 maj
We promote literature from the Dalsland area and the Nordic countries. Our activities include literary events in the form of the literary festival Bokdagar i Dalsland, book sales and publishing of the membership publication Korpgluggen.
We are a non-profit organization consisting of 300 members and 70 voluntary workers. The membership fee is SEK 200 per year for individual members and SEK 300 for companies and organizations.
We arrange one of the country’s oldest and biggest literature festivals, Bokdagar i Dalsland. Our year-round activities take place in the entire province of Dalsland and consist of literary evenings with author guests, the short story festival Nordiska Novelldagen, poetry festival Poesidagar i Dalsland, seminars, book clubs, a scholarship program for Nordic writers, open day events, and writer classes such as the project Nya Röster (“New Voices”) aimed at young Syrian women.
Our office is located in the Nordic Literature House (Nordiska Litteraturhuset) in the town of Åmål. It is here we host our meetings, writer classes, book clubs, open day events, and have a library for Nordic fiction and literature from Dalsland. We also have an antiquarian book shop in the same building.
About twenty Nordic residence writers have worked here. We have had a square and a street named after Ida Bäckmann, a local writer from Åmål. The block surrounding our literature house is becoming more and more associated with literature.
Every year we award two literature prizes, the Dalslands Sparbanks Litteraturpris award, and the Dalslands Sparbanks Skrivarstipendium scholarship for young writers.
We make and distribute public book exchange cabinets all over the province of Dalsland in increasing amounts.